Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Monday 18 January, 11 am, I'm giving a talk on my project 'Only More So' for the MA Creative Writing seminar at The University of Plymouth, Portland Square Building. 


My previous post on the publication of Work-in-Progress from 'Only More So' was incomplete, so here it is updated:

'Only More So' in Practice: New Writing + Art, 2 (2007) 145-148.

'Giant Steps' in the Dispatx issue Eminent Domain (2007).

'from Only More So' Argotist Online (2007).

'from Only More So' in Kornelia Freitag and Katharina Vester (eds), Another Language: Poetic Experiments in Britain and North America, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2008, 17-20.

'The Hawthorne Effect' in  Wobbling Roof issue 1 (2009).

'from Giant Steps' in Salt Magazine issue 2 (2009).

'from Giant Steps' in Tears in the Fence, 50 (2009) 35-37.

'from Only More So' in  Tony Trehy (ed), Text 2, Bury Metropolitan Borough Council, 2009, 34-41.

The most substantial publication so far is Darwin, one section (10%) of 'Only More So', a 44-page book published in a limited edition by Acts of Language, 2009.

Darwin has been reviewed by Ron Silliman in Silliman's Blog and by Steve Spence in Stride Magazine.
Richard Kerridge, 'Climate Change and Contemporary Modernist Poetry' in Poetry and Public Language, Exeter: Shearsman Books, 2007, includes critical work on 'Only More So'.

Friday, 1 January 2010


Since 2005, I've been working on a prose book called 'Only More So', building it up in sections, fitting in when I could around teaching in Plymouth. It is a large-scale structure composed in a strict form using a collage process, similar in a way to False Memory (1996, 2003), but the unit of composition in this book is the sentence, rather than a verse line. In order to make more rapid progress with this work I decided to give up my chair in poetry and take voluntary redundancy so that I could write full time. I went back to self-employment on 1 August 2009, and since then I have been working on this project and putting in various grant applications. I just heard in late December that 'Only More So' was approved for Arts Council 'Grants for the arts' funding beginning January 2010, so I can concentrate on writing right through 2010 and also free myself up for any freelance work.

Some Work-in-Progress from 'Only More So' has been published:

'Only More So' in Practice: New Writing + Art, 2 (2007) 145-148.

'The Hawthorne Effect' in  Wobbling Roof issue 1 (2009).

'Giant Steps' in the Dispatx issue Eminent Domain (2007).

'from Giant Steps' in Tears in the Fence, 50 (2009) 35-37.

'from Only More So' in Text 2, edited by Tony Trehy (Bury Metropolitan Borough Council, 2009) 34-41.

The most substantial publication so far is Darwin, one section (10%) of 'Only More So', a 44-page book published in a limited edition by Acts of Language, 2009. Darwin was reviewed by Ron Silliman in Silliman's Blog